How to deep clean your kitchen

Get your kitchen cabinets looking their best with our top cleaning tips

As spring turns into summer, it really is time to get your home looking spick and span. It feels as if we have just come through a pretty endless winter with endless dark gloomy days. But now we have long hours of daylight and sunshine, it’s a good time to brighten up our homes too.

Not only that, but there are many advantages of getting your home up to scratch in terms of cleanliness. For example:

  • Cleaning makes you fitter

Forget the gym! Did you know that many cleaning activities, such as vacuuming, are a great way to burn up the calories as well as getting the job done. .

  • A clean home is a healthy home

If dust, dirt, germs and bacteria accumulate in your home they can cause or worsen a variety of illnesses. So cleaning not only makes your home look great, but is good for everyone’s health too.

  • A clean home is a safer home

Ensuring that your home is free from obstacles to negotiate, things to stand on, and potential tripping hazards, makes it a much safer place to be for everyone. 

  • Cleaning your home alleviates stress

You may not realise it but if your home is full of mess, clutter and unfinished projects this can lead to you being unable to relax and make you feel stressed and anxious. 

  • A clean home can lift your mood

The opposite to the above is that if your home is neat and clean it gives you space to relax and unwind. You will feel happier and probably also sleep better.

So there are lots of advantages to cleaning your home. But on the other hand, why spend all your time cleaning when you want to be out and about enjoying the season? In this article we focus on just one room in your home – the kitchen – and give you ten tips for deep cleaning your kitchen in record time! 

Ten tips to deep clean your kitchen

Here are ten tips to transform your kitchen!

Make sure you have everything you need

It really helps to get out all the cleaning tools and products you will need and put them in one place, for example on the kitchen table. You can then easily get to the things you need rather than having to break off from cleaning to go rummaging around. If possible, do this the day before your big clean so that you have time to go shopping and top up any supplies you need.

Clear the decks

Before you start any deep cleaning, spend time clearing clutter and doing a general tidy up. Again, this could be done the day before your big clean. Make sure surfaces are clear from absolutely everything that does not need to be there, food items are all put away and any dirty dishes go into the dishwasher.

Start at the top

Start your big clean by dusting or vacuuming the ceiling and walls, including ceiling light fittings, air vents, and light switches. All of these areas tend to pick up lots of grease, splashes and spills that need to be removed to keep your kitchen looking its best.

If you have wall art or photos on your wall, or photos, books and other accessories on shelves these will all need to be dusted. It’s best not to use any kind of liquid cleaner on these kinds of items as that could cause damage to them. Just a gentle dust or – if needed – a careful wipe with a lightly damp cloth should be enough to brighten them up.

Clean your cabinets

Whilst working up high, remember to clean the tops of your kitchen cabinets. Dust will accumulate there very quickly. You will probably also need to wash any items that are on top of the cabinets as they are likely to be coated with dust too. As you then work down the rest of the cabinet, remember to clean door knobs and handles too. 

Depending on the state of the inside of your cabinets, you may also want to pull out the items from the cabinets, clean the inside, then rearrange the items as you put them back. Our recent article Five ways to reorganise your kitchen this spring includes some useful tips on how to do this.

Sort out your drawers

Alongside your kitchen cabinets, take the opportunity to clean out and reorganise your kitchen drawers. At the very least, lift items out and give the drawer a wipe down inside. But if you have the time, give them a really good sort out and look for creative storage solutions such as drawer dividers and cutlery trays – as pictured right – to help keep them in a better state from now on.

Add sparkle to your windows

The summer sun is very unforgiving on dirty windows! Every speck of dust, and every streak from previous cleaning attempts, will show up mercilessly. So take time to give your windows a really good clean. It’s best to take down curtains and blinds if you can, and get those cleaned. Perhaps do this a few days before your kitchen clean so that you can put them back immediately after the windows are cleaned.

To clean windows thoroughly, vacuum and window sills and corners, then wash all windows with either a purpose made window cleaning solution or a mixture of water and vinegar. The resulting gleaming glass will really brighten up your home.

Tackle that oven!

Start by removing oven trays from the inside of the oven, and putting them into the dishwasher for a thorough clean. Then wipe away any dust and debris from the body of the oven and apply an oven cleaner all around the inside. Whilst that’s getting to work, tackle the hob and clean it according to the manufacturer’s instructions, including any knobs, burners and covers that it may have. 

Also pay attention to the hood. You should be able to remove the filter and soak it in hot, soapy water with a cup of vinegar added to help cut through the grease. Stubborn greasy residue can then be removed by gentle scrubbing. If there is a paper filter this can be replaced with a new one.

Once the oven cleaner has had time to work on the main oven, wipe away any residue, and follow the directions on the oven cleaner.

Fridge and freezer

Switch both appliances off to give them a chance to slightly defrost. Whilst you’re waiting, take everything out and sort it all out. Get rid of any food that has expired, and any containers that are almost empty. Put aside the items you are keeping and do a quick clean of both appliances. Wash shelves and drawers thoroughly with warm soapy water, then wipe down the insides of the appliances. During this process, make sure you get rid of any excess ice or frosting before replacing the shelves and food. 

Also take the opportunity to vacuum or dust outside, underneath and behind the appliances, including the fridge coil.

Worktops and sink

Thoroughly wash your worktops and also clean any small appliances that are on them, such as your kettle, toaster and microwave. If there are spills in the microwave, put a mug or small jug of water in there and bring it to the boil. The steam should soften the debris and make it easy to remove.

Also give your sink and splashbacks a really good clean, including either bleach or baking soda down the plug to freshen the drain.

Sweep and mop the floor

Last but not least, finish your kitchen clean by sweeping and mopping the floor and skirting boards. Start by using your preferred method of cleaning, whether that’s a traditional mop and bucket, a more contemporary mop, floor wipes or steam cleaner. But bear in mind that you may need to use a combination of different methods, and one of the best ways to get a floor really clean is to use a cloth or towel whilst on your hands and knees.

We hope that this article has given you some useful tips on how to get your kitchen really clean this summer. Remember to check back here soon for more lifestyle tips from DIY Homefit.