Month: February 2016

Let There be Light!

At last the mornings are getting lighter and the spring sun is beginning to stream through our windows. This can fill us with a renewed sense of optimism and determination. (Yes and also one of shame as all the dirty streaks on the windows are shown in their full glory!) It can set us thinking about the home improvements we want to do this year and makes us want to get on with things.

A Summer of Sport

So another round of the Six Nations begins! If you are a rugby fan it can never come too soon! If not, you’re probably thinking “not again! The last one has only just finished!!”

Take Good Care of Yourself!

In this article we give you our Top Ten Tips for keeping your bespoke furniture in tip top condition. There’s no point spending time and effort on a kitchen refurbishment if you don’t then take good care of it afterwards.

Ground Control to Major Tim: DIY in Space!

Space is so topical at the moment! With the untimely death of David Bowie fresh in our minds, we have also been following the progress of British astronaut Tim Peake as he attempted to spacewalk from the International Space Station.  The first attempt was aborted on the orders of Ground Control after a water bubble was noticed in the helmet of Tim’s colleague Tim Kopra.