Category: General

What to pack for Uni..?

Student storage solutions: sliding wardrobe doors from DIY Homefit.

So the great day is approaching when your son or daughter is off to Uni? First of all, congratulations on their success, but also we know what a huge change it will be for all of you.

Your best summer wardrobe ever!

Brighten up your summer with custom fitted wardrobes from DIY Homefit…

Summer is finally here! The sun is shining, school holidays are fast approaching, and tennis is on every BBC channel.

But over and above that we are suddenly surrounded by advice about how to live our lives now that summer is here. What to drink and eat (particularly if you are pursuing that ever elusive beach body!), the cool places to go, the best sun tan products and, of course, that all-important summer wardrobe.

Is your shed ‘Summer Ready’?

Get the best shed with diy kitchen units from DIY Homefit

What do men do in sheds?!

There is a common agreement that men need sheds. The shed can become their own place, a place where they can escape from the everyday bustle and chaos of the home. A place where they can find solitude and have time just to think; just to be.

Is it the right time to move?

Refresh your kitchen with replacement kitchen doors from DIY Homefit

At this time of year, many of us feel like a change. Perhaps it’s a throwback to our school days: exams are taking place, heralding times of new beginnings. We can all remember that sense of nervous anticipation as one phase of our lives draws to a close with another ready to open.

Size doesn’t matter!

Transform your bedroom with sliding wardrobe doors from DIY Homefit…

Are you happy with your bedroom? Many of us long for a beautiful bedroom. We may look enviously at pictures of gorgeous bedrooms and imagine how much better our lives would be if only we could have a bedroom like that.

Declutter your home this spring

Declutter your bedroom with custom fitted wardrobes from DIY Homefit!

Spring is in the air, and many of us begin to feel the need to get our house in order.

How to transform your kitchen in 2019

The best replacement kitchen doors from DIY Homefit!

We are already well into January and perhaps you are feeling restless? As if you need to start making some changes in your life now – before the impetus of New Year is totally lost?

Make a splash in your kitchen in 2019!

Co-ordinated diy kitchen units and splashbacks from DIY Homefit…

Making a splash is another way of saying grabbing the attention. And a key way to do that in your kitchen in 2019 is to install a simply eye-catching, attention-grabbing splashback!

Kitchen improvement trends for 2019

Transform your kitchen with diy kitchen units from DIY Homefit

As Christmas is approaching, many of us are already looking ahead to 2019 and considering having a new kitchen. Christmas can actually be a good time to think about it, because it is an opportunity to see how well or otherwise your current kitchen works for you, and what are the things that need to be changed.